Stage 4 of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill

The progress of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill through the Senedd will reach an important milestone on 9 March 2021 when it is due to be passed in Plenary at Stage 4. You can watch this live on Senedd TV by following this link (The plenary starts at 13.30pm but the Stage 4 debate of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill is scheduled for the last 15 minutes prior to voting, which will be later afternoon / early evening – check the meeting papers for timings.)

Stage 3 of the Bill concluded on 2 March with the Senedd’s consideration and disposal of amendments. There were no surprises for Religion values and ethics (RVE) as the expected amendments were agreed. Additional amendments proposed by Darren Millar concerning the right to withdraw from RVE and the responsibility for costs incurred by the provision of two RVE syllabuses in voluntary aided schools with a religious character were not accepted.

Listen to the debate to hear the conversation about RVE by following this link (for a short relevant clip view: 5 hrs 41 mins – 6 hrs 8 mins).

You can also read the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill, as amended at Stage 3 by following this link. (Relevant sections include p. 27 for RVE in post compulsory education in maintained schools; pp. 42-44 for the main schedule 1 on RVE and pages 45-60 for schedule 2 relating to minor and consequential amendments and repeals in relation to RVE.)

English (UK)

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